How to submit an event

Event Name

Use short, simple & unique name; don’t include emojis or descriptions. Avoid using “Music Event”, “Jazz Fridays”, etc. instead: “Jazz Fridays at Mango Bar”

Event Time

If event ends after 12am – use SAME DATE as the start.

Start: November 1, 2022, 8pm
End: November 1, 2022, 2am

Repeating Event

If yours is a regularly recurring event, set it to repeat weekly or monthly. If it happens on non-sequential dates – set it to “Custom Dates” and enter one by one.

Event Image

Always add image – ideally in landscape format

Event Sub Title (Optional)

e.g. “Music from Peru”

Event Details

INCLUDE: minimum 1 paragraph, details, performers, schedule
DON’T INCLUDE: emojis, future events, social media, location, links (put them in fields below)

Event Location

Select existing venue (or create a new, if can’t find yours)

Event Organizer

Select existing organizer (or create new, if can’t find yours)

Health Guidelines

Add any COVID info

Private Notes

Anything you want to tell us?