Poetry Today: Undeniable Storytelling

Featured04aug6:30 pm7:30 pmPoetry Today: Undeniable StorytellingHermitage Artist Retreat, 6660 Manasota Key Rd, Englewood, FL 342236:30 pm - 7:30 pm AreaEnglewoodTypePoetryCost$5/person registration fee)

Event Details

“Poetry Today: Undeniable Storytelling” with Hermitage Fellows John Murillo and Nicole Sealey, Friday, August 4, 6:30pm: Whether on the page or the stage, in the mind of the reader or the halls of the theater, words have the power to move us. In this celebration of all the ways words combine, combust, comfort, and confound, hear from Hermitage Fellows at the top of their fields. John Murillo, author most recently of Contemporary Amerikan Poetry, was the 2021 recipient of the Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award and directs the creative writing program at Wesleyan University. Nicole Sealey is a frequent contributor to Best American Poetry and a recipient of the prestigious Rome Prize. Join us to hear their works and gain insights from each of these gifted writers. Registration is required at HermitageArtistRetreat.org ($5/person registration fee). Hermitage Palm Studio, 6660 Manasota Key Road, Englewood, FL 34223



August 4, 2023 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


Hermitage Artist Retreat, 6660 Manasota Key Rd, Englewood, FL 34223

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Hermitage Artist Retreat

The Hermitage Artist Retreat provides creative time and space for artists and creators of all disciplines by invitation only. We share these creators with our community in free programs, performances, and school visits throughout Florida's west coast.

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$5/person registration fee)