The Harvest is a Sarasota church in pursuit of God's heart to bring the Gospel to the poor, the hurting, and the destitute. For 28 years, we have ministered the love of God to the local Sarasota community through numerous outreaches of compassion, offering hope and life to the forgotten. Our mission is to continue to raise up and train a Bride that hears and responds to the cry of our Bridegroom King in this hour. A people that are not afraid to surrender all. The ministry of The Harvest is also reaching around the world to bring the Gospel and train leaders in the Dominican Republic, Mozambique, and the Philippines. Pastor Jim & Peggy Minor and Pastor Dan & Estrella Minor invite you to come and be a part of this body of believers as we press into the heart of God in worship and surrender, "that the Lamb may receive the reward for His suffering.

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